Monday 7th to Saturday 12th April 2025
Witham Public Hall, Collingwood Road, Witham CM8 2DY. Performances nightly at 7:30pm, Saturday matinee 2:30pm. Doors open 30 minutes before curtain up (No admission before 2pm or 7pm).
Ticket Prices
Raised Stalls £19.50,
Front Stalls £16,
Balcony £15.
Note, there is a 50p per ticket booking fee.
Special preview night, Monday 7th April - all tickets are £12 +50p booking fee . Hurry, these will sell fast!
Concessions tickets at £13 plus 50p booking fee are offered for the Tuesday evening and Saturday matinee performances for Front Stalls and Balcony seats for Senior Citizens (65 and over), Registered Disabled and Under 21s (16-21s must be in full time education).
We welcome group bookings and offer a 10% discount on 10 or more full priced front stalls and balcony seats for all performances except Monday. Please book by telephone, e-mail or post to obtain group rates.
Book Online
All seats, except wheelchair accessible and party bookings, can be booked online and paid for using a debit/credit card, BACS bank transfer, cheque or Paypal. All tickets booked on-line will be issued as e-tickets. Once we have received your order, you will receive a confirmatory e-mail containing your e-tickets. Simply print these off, or bring your phone along to the show. Note that tickets to be paid by bank transfer or cheque will not be valid until we have received payment. The link below will show an interactive seating plan, allows you to choose your seat/s, performance date and pay by debit/credit card or PayPal, cheque or bank transfer.
Email the Box Office
Send your enquiry to Please include the following information:
Full name
Telephone number(s)
Chosen performance
Number and type of seats required
You will receive an email confirming your booking and details of how to pay.
Telephone the Box Office:
Call us on 0300 201 0080 and our Box Office manager Donna will be happy to help you. If Donna is not available, please leave a message – remember to give the following information:
Full name
Telephone number(s)
Chosen performance
Number and type of seats required
You will receive a telephone call confirming your booking and details of how to pay.
Book in Person
In-Person bookings are available at Witham Tourist Information Office, 61 Newland Street, Witham.
Open from Monday to Friday 9.00am to 4.00om.
Payments may be made in cash or by Debit/Credit Card.
Book By Post
Send your completed Booking Form to WAOS Box Office Manager, 2 Yew Tree Close, Hatfield Peverel, CM3 2SG. Please send a cheque made payable to WAOS with your order form. Please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope if tickets are to be posted. Please note that orders received after 10th April will not be posted and will be held at the Box Office for collection or email address for e-tickets.
Refunds and cancellation
In the event of WAOS having to cancel the show (for example, due to Government guidance on Covid), ticket holders will be contacted and provided a full refund.
Wheelchair access and other information
Wheelchair Places
There are a limited number of wheelchair spaces available, please check with the Box Office Manager for availability on 0300 201 0080 or
Conditions of Sale
For health and safety reasons children under 6 are not permitted on the Raised Stalls and children under 11 must be accompanied by and adult.
Allocation of Tickets
Tickets are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Please indicate alternative performances should your first choice not be available. WAOS reserves the right to re-seat patrons, refund tickets or refuse admission. Ticket refunds are at the discretion of the WAOS management.
Our Venue
WAOS performs with other local theatre groups at the Witham Public Hall, Collingwood Road.
Click here for an interactive map of the area, courtesy of Google Maps.
Covid protocols
We will comply with Government guidance at all times. Currently (June 2023) there are no restrictions for audiences, however, WPH recommend using the hand sanitisers provided around the building and at the Hall entrance.